n.e.w.s. is a collective online platform for the analysis and development of art-related activity, drawing upon contributions from around the globe, bringing together different voices, accents and outlooks from the North, East, West and South. | Read more..

network theory

Wednesday, 25. November 2009 | 18:00 (tz: Europe/Amsterdam)

Discussion at Sorbonne

Wednesday 25 November, 6-8 pm
University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Bachelard Amphitheatre

On the one-year anniversary of the attribution of the first prize in the Competition of Ideas – organized by Jacques Serrano and the Forum européen de l’essai sur l’art – to the n.e.w.s. collective, for our now upcoming book Arbitrating Attention, a critical discussion of the research to date will be held at the Sorbonne in Paris, co-organized by the Forum européen de l’essai sur l’art and the CERAP.


Discussion of research on “Arbitrating Attention” at the Sorbonne in Paris

Wednesday 25 November, 6-8 pm University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Bachelard Amphitheatre On the one-year anniversary of the attribution of the first prize in the Competition of Ideas – organized by Jacques Serrano and the Forum européen de l’essai sur l’art – to the n.e.w.s. collective, for our now upcoming book Arbitrating Attention, a critical discussion of the research to date will be held at the Sorbonne in Paris, co-organized by the Forum européen de l’essai sur l’art and the CERAP.